Who we are?
We are a reliable real estate purchase, established in 2016, based in Iași. We are dedicated to providing professional brokerage services in the purchase and sale of real estate and land. Our local expertise enables us to provide customized and efficient solut...
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Our team is made up of experienced real estate professionals specializing in different market segments. Stefan Leonte is responsible for the apartments segment, offering advice and support in the purchase of ideal homes. Bogdan Leonte takes care of the houses...
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We offer a full range of real estate services, focusing on the sale of houses, apartments and land in Iasi. Our support encompasses the entire transaction process, from property valuation to closing the sale. We are committed to a seamless and stress-free expe...
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Paduraru Maria, Profesor
Multumesc echipei pentru profesionalismul de care da dovada in munca pe care o presteaza. Am avut ocazia sa colaborez in contextul in care cautam sa cumpar un apartament cu 2 camere si am apreciat atitudinea, corectitudinea si implicarea in interesul meu ca si client. Apreciez si recomand mai departe aceasta agentie care aduce o noua abordare pe piata de tranzactii imobiliare.
Asavoaiei Cornel – Medic
Ii suntem recunoscatori domnului Bogdan Leonte pentru ajutorul dat la cumpararea unei case in Miroslava. Profesionalismul sau desavarsit, cunoasterea pietei si disponibilitatea s-au dovedit reteta sigura pentru o tranzactie de succes. Am apreciat si ajutorul pretios dat la incheierea actelor. Ii multumesc inca odata si recomand calduros serviciile sale.
Lorenzo Sfoggia, Student
When I was in search for an apartment, I had the opportunity to meet Stefan. He understood my needs, gave me advice and support through the entire process. I strongly recommend Stefan for professionalism and the quality of his services.